Canada Biodiversity Observation Network (CAN BON): together to monitor and protect Canada's rich biodiversity


In May, we gathered a group of biodiversity scientists at the Quadra Centre for Coastal Dialogue on Quadra Island, BC to work on a Canada Biodiversity Observation Network (CAN BON). Mary O’Connor (U. British Columbia), Amanda Bates (U. Victoria) and I hosted discussions on developing the science, technical design and “community of practice” for CAN BON.

The group discussed how the observation network can harness the growing number of biodiversity observations, technologies and data sets made by many groups and organizations in Canada. We discussed how biodiversity observations and monitoring can be brought together to produce statistically robust assessments of biodiversity change over time across Canada.

A CAN BON will be so much more than a research infrastructure: it will be an active network of collaboration and partnerships across all areas of society, and it needs to be one from the beginning. So, our discussions included how we can achieve a BON that includes all voices and providers of knowledge about how Canada’s biodiversity is changing. We are completing a first publication intended for FACETS, the journal of the Royal Society of Canada’s Academy of Science.